Simplest Way To Go For A Home Loan Balance Transfer

Home loans are the most extended tenure loans, and hence you will undoubtedly serve them and spend a significant part of your income for a very long time. Therefore, choosing your home, the interest rates charged for similar matters the most. This is also because over half of the home loan monthly installments comprise the interest amount. While calculating the interest rate for the whole tenure, you will become acquainted with that the interest component is almost equal to the principal.

However, home loan interest rates are now experiencing an unsurpassed low, and this is most likely the best ideal opportunity to get a reasonable home loan deal for you. Many home purchasers who have bought their home through a home loan in the past may think that they did an expensive deal as they got their home loan affirmed at a lot higher rates than now. Be that as it may, here is good news for them; also, they are still eligible to grab the lowest home loan interest deals by experiencing a balance transfer of their existing home loan. Preferably, the benefit of a home loan balance transfer can generally benefit from the initial 4 to 5 years of loan as the EMI for a home loan comprises the highest interest component in the initial years only.

However, before you start the balance transfer, research all things considered, and costs related to the transfer of loans is an absolute necessity. 

Checking the transfer's general cost and examining if it is justified, despite any trouble or not? 

Transferring your home loan accompanies a few costs, including handling expenses, application expenses, prepayment charges, and transfer fees in the case of some financial institutions. So, before you decide, it's essential to do the analysis and calculation of the amount you can save after transferring the loan. The cheapest home loan interest rates may appear to be appealing, but it's imperative to realize if it's advantageous for you, dependent on money saved. Calculate the complete expense of borrowing in both cases, including the prepayment and new processing charges. Go for the transfer only if you are holding a respectable amount even after paying all the bills. 

Qualification Criteria for a Home Loan Balance Transfer 

To be eligible for a home loan balance transfer, you should have a current home loan from another moneylender/bank. 

Banks may also necessitate that an applicant have served at least 12 EMI's on the existing loan/server during the lock-in period before selecting a balance transfer. This varies from bank to bank.

The applicant should not have defaulted in the installment of EMI for the current loans. 

Balance transfer of a home loan for a property whose possession has been given over but registration has not been done is impossible with most the financial institution.


Home Loan EMI Calculator is an incredible device and can help you in your decisions. Before you go to any choice, it's essential to calculate monthly interest, EMI's both the old and new bank scenarios. AGRIM Housing Finance is offering a wide range of personalized options to you to choose from. They will help you in your search for your cheapest flat in Mumbai. Their mission is housing for all; whether you are salaried or self-employed, they will assist you in every aspect of availing a home loan


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